10 years in business.
In 2007, SEI celebrated its 10th year in business. Through a tremendous amount of hard work, ambition, and careful planning, SEI has prospered through the peaks and valleys of the US economy. An emphasis on teamwork, perserverance, and a positive outlook is the cornerstone of the SEI philosophy.

Looking to the future.
As new markets emerge, and existing ones experience change, SEI remains at the cutting edge. Wireless technologies, alternate sources of energy, revamped space exploration, green technology, and security are key areas of interest.

Remodeled company website.
The internet has come a long way since its inception, as have the technologies that make it work. As such, the SEI website has been completely rebuilt from the ground up, to better serve the visitors needs. Easier access to pertinent information, along with increased visual appeal were the driving forces during the reformation.